{Apropriately Spring-y Desktop Wallpaper courtesy of the wonderful Oana Befort}
Like January, it seems that February was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it kind of month. Honestly, I can't even remember what I managed to do with most of it, without the benefit of going over my planner and calendar's many scribbled-in schedules and endless amounts of to-do lists in the hopes of spurring on a memory. Even then, the things that I can remember - getting a new English professor after our previous one left halfway through the quarter, writing an article for the Tacoma Weekly, applying for a position as a Recruitment Counselor for Formal Fall Recruitment 2014 - seem like yesterday's news by now. What I'm really focused on, is the future!
March is going to be a big, big, big month for me. It's ending the quarter on a strong note and kicking ass at Finals, moving into a new room in the house with two of my best friends for the rest of the school year, loving Seattle in the springtime, seeing my Dad in a new show, letting it loose on Spring Break, watching the Cheerleader experience some of the most exciting times of being a Daffodil Princess, more writing, more hard work, and more fun times to be had by all! March is going to be, for me, the month of opportunity.
{Seeing The Cheerleader starting to take on her Daffodil duties (and getting a little nostalgic for my own reign); celebrating Valentine's Day; going on a weekend trip to Disneyland with the bestie!}
- My most popular post this month: Magical Reads: Reading Recs Inspired by Disneyland (even though it was only posted two days ago!)
- My College Fashion posts this month: Howl's Moving Castle (Part Two) and Fangirl.
- My favorite book I read this month: Cinder
- Your favorite review I wrote this month: Something Strange and Deadly
these are a few of my favorite links...
- In celebration of the upcoming release of Divergent this month, how 'bout a throwback to Team Epic Reads' Faction Tea Party with Veronica Roth?
- And speaking of Team Epic Reads, have you seen their Epic Chart of YA Retellings yet? 162 different books set up in a map of the mythologies and fairy tales they originated from... I know I've got a lot to add to my TBR list!
- My fam knows how much I love scented candles... so how am I supposed to say know to Fandlemonium's "Candles for Geeks"? Especially the Harry Potter ones...
- My English 307 class has really made me reevaluate the status of graphic novels in contemporary literature, and now all I want is more! Good thing Buzzfeed made this list of 60 Comics Everyone Should Read.
- Looking for some organization inspiration with Spring Cleaning in the air... maybe the promise of some new, super sweet stamped pencils can serve as a reward?