Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Well-Hyped Books I've Never Read

"Top Ten Tuesday" is a bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Usually, if there's a book that's getting big attention, I'm going to want to read it. What can I say? I like being hip to the trends, and having a say in the popular discussions taking place in the bloggosphere once novels have hit max levels of hype is fun. However, being up on all the new titles can be a bit of an arduous and expensive venture... and that's not even counting, of course, the books that I don't want to spend much time reading anyways! Here's my list of hypable titles in various stages of my TBR (or not!) list.

Books I Have No Intention of Reading (in the foreseeable future)

Breaking Dawn (Twilight #4), Stephanie Meyer.
My younger sister and best friend made me sit through the second movie based on this novel around this time last year. I kept getting in trouble for laughing at parts that were supposed to be dramatic... I don't think the book would fare any better in my mind. It's the only Twilight book I haven't read!

Every Day, David Levithan.
This one makes me feel kind of bad, because it's one of the few book recommendations that I've gotten from my awesome younger brother. I've thrown everything I've got in my middle grade arsenal at him over the years, from Percy to Ga'Hoole, and this was his first attempt at returning the favor. Unfortunately, I DNF'd hard about a quarter of the way in. Sorry, buddy!

Books I Figure I'll Get Around to Sooner or Later

An Abundance of Katherines, John Green.
I mean, I've read every other John Green title. This is one I've just been less motivated to read, in the face of his other, more-hyped books.

Not That Kind of Girl, Lena Dunham
I feel like even a lot of my non-bookish friends have read this collection of essays already, but I found out about this title coming off of a long block of memoirs, and I just haven't felt compelled to pick it up yet.

Isla and the Happily Ever After, Stephanie Perkins
This entire series is filled with well-written moments that just make you smile. However, I just haven't been in the mood for this kind of light-hearted romance in a while.

Where'd You Go, Bernadette?, Maria Semple
Like every other Seattlite who saw this on every book list of 2012, I bought this title, but it's been languishing in the recesses of my Kindle pile for a while now.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig
Lol. Hi, Mom and Dad! According to the mythos of my parents' first date, they stayed up until 3am at a local Denny's discussing this book; therefore, it's not just my Dad recommending it, but the very foundation of my own existence. Maybe this is the right summer for reading this one?

Books Where It's Only a Matter of Time

The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins
Maybe it's cheating, because I've already brought this title up in a TTT back when I was hitting my first real rough patch of my 2015 Resolution, but I still need this title, ASAP.

So You've Been Publicly Shamed, Jon Ronson
Ditto to the above. NEED!

Saint Anything, Sarah Dessen
It's not really summer unless you've gone on some kind of vacation excursion with your family, shoved into an over-stuffed van, taking confidence in the fact that nestled somewhere among the swimsuits and beach towels is the newest Dessen. Right?

What hypable titles have you been avoiding? Or have you just been waiting for the right time? Are there any that you're dying to read? Let me know, in the comments below!


  1. Love how you broke down your list!! I actually just started Saint Anything which is my first Sarah Dessen so I am excited. I've actually read quite a few o your list and think I enjoyed them all but An Abundance of Katherines - which I liked but wasn't my favorite of John Green's. Great list!

  2. Great list! I loved The Girl on the Train but it's pretty hit-and-miss I think. I hope you enjoy the books you decide to read :)

    My TTT!

  3. I abandoned An Abundance of Katherines a few chapters in. But I liked Day By Day :)

  4. Nice list!! I haven't read any of the books mentioned in your post either!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-hyped-books-ive.html
