{April 2014 Desktop Calendar via Craftberry Bush}
Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by the Gregorian calendar. The month of March came in like a lion, and totally whupped my butt for the ensuing five weeks of end-of-Quarter crying, Finals Week fear-of-God, Spring Break breaking my heart, and yesterday's joyful return to UW's beautiful sunny campus, with the understanding that yet another Quarter's thundercloud of academics would just be lurking over my shoulder.
I'm not joking, I've been working significantly hard these past few weeks! First there was the Tacoma Weekly Daffodil article, then College Fashion, then there were Finals to take care of, then a College Fashion article again, then a series of articles for the Daffodil Festival's upcoming insert in the Tacoma News Tribune in anticipation for the Parade this Saturday, then an article for the Tacoma Weekly about the Parade as well, and now I've got another College Fashion article due this upcoming Sunday, but I'm going home for Parade this weekend Thursday night, so I can see my Mom before she leaves for Japan for three weeks this Friday, too.
If I'm not mistaken, I was basically just bitch-slapped by a unit used to measure time. You might have thought my apology post from earlier in March was weak, but guys... I'm limping into April. #saveme
{Experiencing the iconic cherry blossoms bloom on the UW campus (before the heinous rush of tourists showed up); Seeing the Veronica Mars movie in theater with my Dad; Celebrating Spring across Tacoma with Daffodil cupcakes from Celebrity Cake Studios}
Well, this is awkward. I'm not even capable of doing my usual countdown of my most popular posts, because I only had one for the whole month of March! Egads. At least I can catch up a little bit on my College Fashion posts that y'all might not have seen quite yet...
March 12th: Neil Gaiman's Stardust. I was kind of loving the attention dedicated to fantasy in some of my most popular CF posts, and decided to stick with it. What resulted is leather skater skirts and unicorn stud earrings, and I'm pretty darn pleased. Fave outfit: "Follow the Star," based on the witches and royals chasing down the fallen star at the same time as Tristran.

March 26th: "Part Two" of Veronica Roth's Divergent. It picks up where my previous article on the subject, from this past August, left off, with creating outfits based on the various factions. Fave outfit: "Candor," featuring sleek shine, transparency, and black and white. Because duh.
these are a few of my favorite links...
1. It seems like my entire sorority is obsessed with Buzzfeed's quizzes...how else am I supposed to know that my spirit animal is Lauren Conrad, that I am most like the iconic Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich in the great pantheon of lunch foods, and that out of all childhood classics, I am Green Eggs and Ham?
2. This list of "What We've Learned from Young Heroines in Literature" from Popsugar is equal parts nostalgic and empowering!
3. Retreat by Random House put out a seriously cool infographic that helps you answer the question, "What Do I Feel Like Reading?"
4. I have a deliriously unnecessary love and affection for stamps, which could only be intensified by the production of a rotating stamp from Kate Spade.
5. I will always, ALWAYS make time for Team Epic Reads and their weekly Tea Time. (Crumpet hardcore, y'all). So you can imagine my ultimate geekery when I actually got mentioned on air... whether you've seen it or not, fast forward to 19:18 to hear my name!
quote of the month